Friday, July 07, 2006

Geeking out

Okay so, I'm secretly (perhaps not so secretly) kind of a huge geek. Perhaps that explains my deep love for Chloe, because she's the coolest geek ever. Anyway, I'm going to lunch today with some girls from my favorite scrapbook store, and I'm like, super excited it. Like, picked out my little outfit last night because I was so excited, excited. So geeky. Also, geeking out over seeing Pirates tonight, I bought my tickets, so I'm ready to go. All in all, this is looking like a pretty awesome day in my little corner of the world.


SevenHappyScrappers said...

IT WAS AN ADORABLE OUTFIT! I meant to tell you that - I loved that shirt. How was Pirates?

Annette said...

Waynette, did you notice my trogdor shirt? (visit So geeky. Oh, I also have a geek shirt from It is a little binary joke.

(only 10 types of people in the world, those who know binary and those who don't). Visit So much cool geek stuff.