Sunday, July 09, 2006

Brokedown Palace

My car brokedown 5 minutes from my apartment an hour and a half ago. And brunch boy came running to my rescue, because that's what he does, I cry and am generally all kinds of damsel, and he rides in and saves me and takes care of me because that's what we do. And it should be annoying, I think, being rescued all the time, except there's something comforting in the constatness of it. So now he's off buying us beer and we're going to watch 24 because it's weirdly what I'm in a mood to watch right now. I hope you're all doing well.


Micki said...

Brunchoy? Does he wear a cape? Does he serve brunch in a single bound? I'm curious.....

Kirsten said...

Beer and TV on a hot humid night. Doesn't get much better than that! I had the TV, just didn't have the beer. Sadly.

SevenHappyScrappers said...

I need to meet brunch boy. Seriously. I'm having reeeeally bad visuals now.