Saturday, July 29, 2006

Checking in

I know I haven't been around much here or anywhere else lately. My friend J (this is the flaw, I guess, in giving somebody a nickname like brunch boy. Because I feel like I need to call him brunch boy so that everybody knows who I'm talking about, and calling him brunch boy now is really innappropriate.) lost someone he was close to, so I've been with him, basically, all the time for the last week or so. I'm gonna try to catch up with everybody else at some point though, and I have been thinking of you.


SevenHappyScrappers said...

Glad you checked in.. missing talking with you, and I was getting worried (it's the mom thing). Send "J" happy thoughts.

Annette said...

I think of you too. I enjoyed catching up on all your posts.

SevenHappyScrappers said...

WAYNETTE! WHERE ARE YOU?!? Come back to us...