Saturday, April 22, 2006


Since I got my camera, I've been trying to learn how to take better pictures. It's sort of a one step forward, twenty steps back thing, for everything I learn and manage to remember, there seem to be a dozen I forget about. Or stuff I don't exactly forget forever, but forget to do in the moment.

Anyway, I took this picture last night (don't worry, I wasn't driving) and it pretty much turned out exactly how I wanted it to. So, happiness. Posted by Picasa


SevenHappyScrappers said...

I can't wait to see this in a LO. Looks like a fun collage-thingy.. you gotta remember to post it!

Lisa said...

What an awesome photo! I need to learn how to do this :)

Maricar said...

Cool pic Waynette. Maybe you can teach me about my camera ...