I met Ali for the first time last summer and I've been in touch with her ever sense. I really believe in her whole philosophy about scrapbooking, embracing imperfection, not making things harder than they are, letting things go, it is okay. I'm really inspired by her.
I have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). And I want to say right now, that I feel really lucky, because while I have it a lot worse than most people know, I know that it could be so, so much worse, and I am really grateful for that. And I met Ali at a time where I really needed to hear what she was saying, where it's really helped me a lot in fighting this disorder, as much as one can fight something like this (perhaps overcome is a better word). It is okay.
And I'm a little better, just from knowing her.

Waynette!! What a cute picture of you & Ali. I so wanna be like her when I grow up, and I'm super happy that you got to go take her class. Thanks for sharing your weekend!
What an awesome experience! I'm so incredibly jealous that you're such good friends with a *celebrity* (hehe). Glad to hear your class went so well!
Wow that is way cool that you know a celebrity scrapbooker! Awesome!
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