I haven't heard that song in years, but everytime I get really frustrated I think about it and get it stuck in my head. And I've been feeling really frustrated lately.
Screening calls is my number one frustration of the moment. It's not like I don't do it, I just only screen out like, telemarketers. My cousin J on the other hand, screens everybody. It gives me a complex, but he assures me it's nothing personal. But right now, I actually need to get ahold of him and of course I can't because he won't just answer the darn phone. Grr.
My cell phone is driving me crazy. It won't hold signal and it has this weird echo. This is the third nonworking phone T-Mobile has given me. So I called them yesterday and they said they'd send me another one. I don't want another phone, because it won't work either. I just want them to let me out of my contract so I can get a phone that does work.
My ipod seems to be dying. I got it for Christmas, so it should be fine, but it's acting all messed up. This is obviously not my week for electronic devices.
Well I'm off to work on my paper (I've got six pages now, so that's progess, right?). Going shopping after class today (the Gap and American Eagle, oh how I love you). Hope you're all having great, nonfrustrating days.
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