The background and quote are from designerdigitals. The font is AL Charisma. I used the photoblast color vivid on all the pictures.

I feel like I got a lot done today.
First, I'll start with the picture off to the side. I take care of the nursery during Sunday school at my church. I took pictures of the kids this morning, then turned them black and white on the computer, fussed with the lighting a bit, and put the text on them. I'm going to print them off and put them in these little frames for their moms for Mother's Day. I think they turned out really well.
I also did a little scrapbooking, I finished up my pages for the circle journal swap we're doing.
I made this hanging ribbon frame thing for one of the Making Memories Home Decor kit for my mom for Mother's Day. I'll take a picture of it after I give it to her, it looks really good.
And finally, I burned my April pictures to a disk, since I somehow forgot to do that on the first (I'm usually so good at it, too!).