Friday, March 24, 2006

24 on the 24th

Today is my birthday. I can remember being a little kid and feeling like there were two things that wouldn't come for forever. The year 2000, when I would graduate from high school, and turning 24 on the 24th which is totally magical, of course.

I've been really excited for my birthday all week (the presents!), so last night at midnight (this morning, actually, I guess) I had my little birthday cupcake. Tonight I'm having dinner with my parents and grandfather, Sunday I'm having a little party with some friends. Good stuff. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 03, 2006


At least for me.

1) I got tickets to see Stars on Ice in July. We're going for my mom's birthday and Michelle Kwan is supposed to be there. I'm super excited, because she's my favorite skater.

2) Rent and Hairspray are coming this summer to this outdoor ampitheater that has musicals in the summer. Can't wait to get tickets.

Pretty good day, all in all.