Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What goes around comes around

I'm going to be in a circle journal group. I'm really excited about it. I was nervous, at first, about being in charge of the whole thing, but I don't think I've screwed up anything so far (granted, though, we haven't even really started yet, so it's probably too soon to tell). It's with a bunch of the girls from the forum for the scrapbook store I always go to. My theme is favorite quotes because I'm so obsessed with them. The other themes look like they're going to be super fun to do, too. I just need to get my book, I already have all the plans in my head.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


The title comes from last night's episode of Love Monkey. I really like that show, though really, I think I would enjoy anything with Judy Greer and Tom Cavenagh.

Anyway, the reason for this entry...I got signed up for the classes Ali Edwards is teaching in Iowa in April. So excited about that. Wapow!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Not on

I'm such an awful blogger. I just don't feel like I have anything that interesting to talk about and I don't even know if anybody is actually reading this (though if you are, gold star for you!).

Anyway. It's snowing out. Which is odd, since I was wearing flip flops a week ago. Also, it can't snow right now. I'm supposed to go shopping Thursday. I have lunch plans for Friday. Snow is just not on.

I submitted to a scrapbook magazine for the first time in forever and it makes me super nervous even though I swore up and down I wouldn't get my hopes up. Ugh.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Random me

This is the current 2peas blog challenge. A good way to get me to update, at least.

1. Where were you born? I was actually born in the same tiny little town my parents still live in. A few years after I was born they closed the maternity ward, so I guess that's sort of interesting.

2. Name something you've always wanted to do. The thing I can remember wanting to do for the longest time is own a drum set. Other things I really want to do...learn to play the guitar, go to Ireland and Italy, become a better photographer

3. What do you want to be when you grow up? Happy. A mother.

4. What's the number one problem we face in the world today? I think maybe intolerance. There's just so much hatred and anger and focus on what makes us different when at the end of the day, I think we're actually pretty alike.

5. If you could change the world, what would you do? Erase poverty.

6. What's the most dangerous thing you've ever done? I don't know, I'm kind of a scaredy cat. Probably white water rafting.

7. Favorite word? Discombobulated.