Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Where I've been
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Things that are awesome
-I love my job. I work with children, for a group working to get rid of poverty. I adore the people I work it. It sounds cheesy, but what I do is pretty rewarding.
-Things with J are going very, very well. A lot of crazy stuff had to happen to get us to this point, and I still have my doubts about it lasting, but right now things are really good.
-I'm losing weight. Without even trying, which is extra awesome. I put on my jeans for the first time in a few weeks for casual Friday today, and they're really loose. Yay.
-Today's payday!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Turn and face the strange
Since the last time I posted, I went on vacation, started a new full time job that I love, and started dating my brunch boy, something that's been brewing for years in one way or another. All of which really deserves a longer update, but I only have a few minutes here.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The Ballad of Brunch Boy and Verbage Girl
We had class together, years ago. We kind of gravitated to each other, started talking before class and during class and after class and hanging out all the time, along with his best friend. We got closer. We became best friends, basically. I don't know that there's a lot to explain, a lot to tell. We get each other, on some basic, instinctual level. We click. He's the person I can tell anything to. I call him in the middle of the night when I need something, even if what I need is jsut somebody to listen to me ramble and try to figure out my life. He makes me laugh. He teaches me so much. He takes care of me, and sometimes I take care of him. It's easy and it's complicated and it's simple and it's hard, all at once, most of the time. My relationship with him has been one of the most defining things in my life, he's a big part of why I'm me. I love him. In a way that's big and scary and simple and unchanging, I couldn't stop if I wanted to. He's stuck with me.
Monday, August 21, 2006
I'll try to update again before I go. The problem is everything I should write about makes me exhuasted to even think about.
Thanks for all the kind toughts. I miss you guys like crazy.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Checking in
Monday, July 17, 2006
Good Morning Sun

The first picture here is this little cubby thing in my car, right behind my steering wheel next to the door. Just a little something I see everyday. The braclet is from brunch boy, he made it when he was taking care of his neices once and gave it to me. And a little thing of fuses because sometimes when I plug in my ipod in the car the fuse blows and I have to change it.

Saturday, July 15, 2006
Scrap space part 2

That was really long. I hope it wasn't horribly boring. Happy Saturday guys.

Scrap space part 1

1. This is the shelf under my scrap island thingy. The red container holds a bunch of letter stickers, the pink container holds random embellishments. One arrow is pointing to my quickutz (even though I almost never use it), I keep the binders with all my quickutz shapes between the back of the desk and the wall. One the floor I have a bunch of cardstock stacks. 12x12 to use on my pages, 8 1/2x 11 to run through the printer.

Friday, July 14, 2006
The picture I didn't take
Anyway, for some reason I was thinking tonight about this picture that I didn't have the guts to take. My cousin Chris does a bunch of plays (he's really talented) and I always try to go to them, and one time I had to park and kind of walk a little bit, and the way I walked went by the alley that runs alongside the theater, and when I walked by these guys from the play were outside the stage door, kind of just hanging out and smoking and I just kind of stood and watched them for a couple of minutes because it was really interesting to me. And I wish I'd taken a picture of them, I thought about it, but them it seemed kind of like I was invading their private space or something. Anyway. No idea why I'm thinking of it now.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
In your own way
It's a hole that I'll never quite fill
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Helter Skelter and the summer swellter
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
The thing about the girl in question
1. I'm not really a very open person. I have, however, figured out how to seem open, to share the things that don't freak me out, becaue I don't even want people to see how closed off I am, because that would be sharing a big part of myself. And I think that it's kind of a manipulative thing to do, and I am sorry about it. It's not that I haven't shared stuff here, even stuff that's kind of big in my life, it's just that there's a whole lot of big stuff I hold back.
2. I fidget, all the time. I have a huge problem sitting perfectly still. I have all this little random stuff sitting in front of my computer that I play with while I'm sitting here. My exboyfriend called them my fidgeters, and I loved that, because I knew he really saw me and got me, and it's one of the wierd things I miss about him.
3. I loved him, in a huge, huge way, but only as a friend, no matter how much I wanted to, I could never manage to fall in love with him, even though he was lovely and wonderful and I fooled myself for a while. But he did really see me, and get me, and he figured it out, and I hurt him, and I am so, so sorry for that, because I never meant to. And if he hadn't figured it out, and we could have worked it out, I think I would have stayed with him forever, because I was happy. And I know that's kind of sad, and very the sound of settling (I love that song, by the way. Do you like Death Cab for Cutie, Annette? I love them almost as much as I love The Killers) but I don't think it would have been that awful.
4. I grind my teeth and clench my jaw and my hands in my sleep. I have TMJ from the teeth grinding and I try to get really calm before I fall asleep so I don't do the clenching, but my jaw and my hands are basically always sore in the mornings because I get so stressed out.
5. I have OCD, though I don't have it nearly as badly as so many people, which I'm very grateful for. I think it's the reason I can get so hyperfocused on things. Like, I get obsessed with a different tv show every month and it will be almost the only thing I watch (there are shows I watch every new episode whether I'm obsessed or not). This month it's 24, last month was Everwood, the months before kind of went back and forth between 24 and Prison Break, sometime in the fall it was Grey's Anatomy. I think at this point I've watched every episode of 24 about a hundred and twenty times, and wierdly I don't get tired of it.
6. I wish I could go to sleep and wake up ten years in the future, to see if I ever get it together and get the husband and the house and the kids (if I can only have one, I'll take the kids, if you're reading this fate) because most of the time I don't really believe that it's ever going to work out for me, and I think just seeing for a minute that it did would be enough.
7. I have a pretty bad relationship with my dad, though we certainly have good moments. I don't want people to know we have a bad relationship, though, because I don't want anybody to think badly of him. I'm trying to work on things with him, but I really don't know that that's ever going to work out.
8. I'm in love with this guy, and I think he might know, even though we haven't ever and probably never will, talk about it, because we both know it would be a terrible, terrible thing. It's all very complicated, and I pretty much end up heartbroken no matter what happens and I hate it. And I really can't say more on that subject here in public because that would ruin the secretness of it. I'd like to stop having the complicated human emotions, now, okay thanks?
So now, you know almost all my secrets, and I've made myself all vulnerable and freaked myself out, but I'm giving myself a goldstar for all the sharing. And hey, I promised to try to not be boring this week, and I think that this is an excellent start, because while it feels kind of soul crushingly sad to me, it's not boring.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Brokedown Palace
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Catching Up
First, I thought Pirates was awesome. Love, love, loved it. I am not at all objective about those movies though, it would be hard to dissappoint me, I think.
Annette, I do have a shirt from thinkgeek. If I didn't already know we were soul sisters, we totally are now.
Thank you all for all the nice comments about my pictures. I'll share here how I learned what little I know about my camera, and photos in general.
First, I'll admit that I've never read my camera manual. And I know that reading it is the very first thing you're supposed to do. I can't understand it, I get nothing out of reading it, it's like, a language I can't speak. I tried, I failed. I am an awful, horrible camera owner. Glad I got that out in the open.
If you have a digital rebel, I recommend this site:
I learned a lot about the settings on my camera from there and it's easy for me to understand.
I can't talk about my camera with mentioning my friend J (also known as the guy who made me go to brunch when I totally already had lunch plans for those of you who heard that story at lunch) who might not help me out nearly so much if I didn't say he's wonderful and fantastic and I'd get nowhere, camera wise, without him. He has the same camera, and he'll answer the phone when it's like, midnight, and I'm trying to figure something out, and explain things to me over, and over again, until I get it. And he bought me my way cool camera bag, so he's the best.
I think beyond all of that though, it helped me just to learn about composition, and you can use that no matter what camera you use. I think the biggest thing that helped me develop my eye and take better pictures was looking at pictures all the time and seeing what I liked and then just taking a ton of pictures. I have a much better eye for it now than I did even a year ago, basically just from that. Photography for Scrapbookers by Tracy White was one thing that I looked at a lot, I also look at the photography board on 2peas (
For the record, I still take a lot of crappy pictures (I just don't post those, hee), I just take more good pictures now than I used to, and I take good pictures on purpose now, instead of by accident (though one of my favorite pictures is a great one I took on accident years ago, and the pictures I love the most are sometimes not the greatest pictures, but the most sentimental ones, because I am a sentimental girlie girl).
Okay, that was really long, and hopefully a little bit helpful and not completely boring. I promise to try to be more interesting next week.
Friday, July 07, 2006
lunch pictures
Geeking out
Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm trying to think of something interesting to talk about...Emmy nominations? I do watch a lot of tv. So, I'm happy about all the 24 nominations, but I wish they had nominated Chloe. I just love Mary Lynn Rajskub. I pretty much figured out last year that the show could kill off anybody they wanted and I'd keep watching as long as they kept Chloe around. I know a lot of people who watch the show say they hated her at first but love her now, but I loved her from the beginning (I was cool before my time!) so I want some kind of credit for that. What else? It would have been nice to see some nominations for Prison Break, because I do love that show, but I'm not shocked. Hugh Laurie not getting nominated for House though, is shocking. Ditto James Spader for Boston Legal. It's always nice to see Sandra Oh get nominated because I think she's pretty lovely. And you're all probably bored to death now, so I'll stop. Hope you're having a great day.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

One of my cousin's is getting married the 5th of August, and I'm starting to get pretty excited. I have a pretty dress to wear and I figured out what shoes I'm wearing and I get to get my hair fixed and I'm going to wear this pretty necklace my grandfather bought me. Plus, my dad is doing the wedding ceremony, so I think that will be cool.
Another one of my cousin's (my most favoritest cousin) is getting married next September (2007), and I'm already super excited about that. She's getting married in Arizona, and I'm planning on flying down for it.
Other stuff going on...I got a new scrap table. I'll try to remember to post a picture of it. I need to make reservations for this place I want to eat breakfast on vacation. I need to figure out what to get my mom for her birthday (I have a few ideas, I need to narrow it down). I'm applying for another job. Trying not to stress. Super excited about Pirates of the Carribean opening up next weekend, I saw the first movie like, seven times in the theater (more than any other movie I've ever gone to see). I think that's about it.

Sunday, June 25, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006

The storyboard action for this is from photoblast, the font is sp purkage.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
My new favorite page

The background and quote are from designerdigitals. The font is AL Charisma. I used the photoblast color vivid on all the pictures.

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Fun with actions
Radio Silent
Sunday, May 14, 2006
My mama
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Checking things off my list
I feel like I got a lot done today.
First, I'll start with the picture off to the side. I take care of the nursery during Sunday school at my church. I took pictures of the kids this morning, then turned them black and white on the computer, fussed with the lighting a bit, and put the text on them. I'm going to print them off and put them in these little frames for their moms for Mother's Day. I think they turned out really well.
I also did a little scrapbooking, I finished up my pages for the circle journal swap we're doing.
I made this hanging ribbon frame thing for one of the Making Memories Home Decor kit for my mom for Mother's Day. I'll take a picture of it after I give it to her, it looks really good.
And finally, I burned my April pictures to a disk, since I somehow forgot to do that on the first (I'm usually so good at it, too!).

Saturday, May 06, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Sometimes when you're doing simple things around the house, maybe you'll think of me and smile
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Thursday things that make me happy

And, I don't have a picture for this one, but I'm getting my guitar next weekend. I need to get some guitar playing for dummies book from Borders.